In 1982, a group of concerned and dedicated equestrians residing on the Palos Verdes Peninsula recognized the gradual erosion of horse keeping and trails due to continued development in the Southern California area. They determined that in order to try to preserve and protect trails and equestrian facilities in the Palos Verdes area, equestrians would benefit from coming together as a group. They decided to form the Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s Association as a mutual benefit organization. In 1984, they incorporated the club as a non-profit, allowing tax-deductible donations to be accepted.
The PVPHA is a volunteer-run organization consisting of an elected Board of Directors including the following positions: President, Vice-President of Education, Vice-President of Fiscal Affairs, Vice-President of Civic Affairs, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary. Newsletter Editor is a position appointed by the president. Terms of office are one year, with “staggered” terms so that only half are subject to re-election each year.
The PVPHA maintains a Trail Preservation Fund. Proceeds from the sale of the PVPHA Trail Guide and T-shirts, an annual Poker Ride, and also general donations contribute to this fund that is used at the board’s discretion for projects or donations benefitting the purposes of the organization.